Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i convinced myself you were gay so i could tell myself how silly it was to be in love with you. i'm pretty sure you really are gay. it doesn't make it any easier.

i lied to you. that secret i heard? it was about you. i wish i could just hear it from you. it probably wouldn't make this any easier. but at least i'd know for sure.

you're a stupid bitch. everything you say makes me cringe. why was i jealous of you for so long?
you ruined a portion of my life. but i'm glad i can move on to better things.
and i feel really, really sorry for you, because i don't think you ever will.

the real reason i didn't let you drive me home that night was because i was afraid i might tell you i love you.

you weren't one of the people on my "4 people i would do anything for" list. i'm sorry i lied to you. but how would you have handled the truth?

i only dated you to try and stop thinking about him. it only made me think about him more.
i'm sorry i said yes.
but you don't have to be such an ass about it now.

i wasn't that drunk. i remember what happened. i'm just too embarrassed to tell anyone. especially you.

i really just want to work at king soopers for the rest of my life.
i hate that being born with some iota of intelligence means i have to apply myself all the fucking time. i didn't choose this.

when i was little, whenever i would get really upset and throw a fit, i would end up closing myself in my closet and wrapping myself in blankets, rocking back and forth and whispering "i want to go home."
i wish i knew now what "home" i had in mind then, because maybe i could go there for real this time.

i believe that both of my parents are alcoholics. how many family book collections include an AA handbook?

three people have told me i'm beautiful.
i've believed one of them.
he also told me he hates me.
i believed him then too. and i've got the scars to prove it.

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