Tuesday, July 24, 2012

that time

a poet cries for no one and everyone at once
and she hadn't seen him there, but
he'd seen her and
he couldn't pass by any longer
she had nothing to say, not sorry-hello-
and he couldn't just wait anymore
leaves are rain in the winds of june
strange breeze brings things for what they're worth
upside out and inside down the world spins oddly tilted

for what it's worth, i would have stayed forever
would have lived a lie if it was you
uncomfortable was easy in your bed and
me was we in the context of your embrace
you know i miss you, yeah?
like before-blooms too deep to drink
my fears like wildfires quenched in your eyes
and to think i was surprised at the time
that i wanted to leave

under covers sinking ships are saved in the night
to sail another dawn, just one more moment
before becoming lost at sea
and moonlight pretends it's permanent while
seeping its way irreversibly into your skin
blood runs concealed under present, past and
we must take cover from impending future's flesh
each day that you rescue me from myself brings
me-- at once further and closer to truth
i'll take my time
to hide from you and watch you slowly fade
watercolor too thin to stay bold

my secrets like bruises stain my bare skin
and i know you mean well and the world
but i still won't let you see all of me.
it's hard to stop loving when i'm not sure
if i still do, ever did, maybe will...

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