Sunday, March 27, 2011

and to see the fire in your eyes
like the rocky mountains spinning overhead--
great lake swimmers, oceanless, lovelocked,
kept here, our bodies as maps
guiding us to nowhere.
i see what moves beneath them, there:
hidden, shattering, no resolve, no remorse,
just the wind raging through my hair and
sweeping me off of my feet and into your arms.
i want to feel again what you feel.
i want to see again what you see, or
what you saw, maybe, in me, once,
before the world spun too fast, or
perhaps just tilted slightly further into oblivion.
i thought i was over, thought you were under.
thought i was gone, thought you had stayed.
but tumbling and spinning and splayed, i fell
faster than i'd ever been able to build myself up.
i didn't know, had really no idea
how destructible, invisible, broken i could be
until i was face down and drowning
in a shallow pool of someone i no longer knew.

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