Wednesday, April 8, 2009

we are so fragile... just breakable girls and boys

i got a new tattoo. it is the story of my life in one word.


liam called me today to ask me some random question about a carnival in arizona. and then in the background my mom goes "ask her if she's coming home for easter or not." and i was just like...really woman? really? why the FUCK would i come home for easter? i haven't talked to my parents in a fucking month. my mother is convinced that the only reason i'm dropping out of school is to hurt her (because everything i do in my life is about my mother, of course). my dad is drunk and indifferent. why would i want to go home to that? srsly.

all we can do is keep breathing. [this song makes me cry every time]

did you know Kal Penn's character killed himself on House because Kal got a spot on the Obama administration? Assistant Director of the Public Liaison or some shit like that. crazy!!

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